Spaceship Earth at Epcot is 180 feet tall. A golf ball is 1.68 inches tall. A 6 foot tall golfer is about 42 times taller than the golf ball. Therefore, to use Spaceship Earth as a golf ball you need to be around 7,714 feet tall, or just under 1.5 miles tall. An average drive for a golfer that size would be nearly 150 miles.
its a golf ball
Golf nets are not used to cover your golf clubs when not in use. Golf nets are used to stop the golf ball after you hit it. It is like a background stop for the golf ball. There are golf nets for indoor and outdoor use.
It doesn't matter what color of golf ball you use. But, it is important you don't throw away your scorecard, but use it in the machine outside the course. Go to for more help with this.
Golf! In golf, you use the tee, to set your ball on it, then you hit the ball with your selected club.
You use a club.
two ways to use it is to use it as a soccer ball and use it as a golf ball
You can use a ball that you found during your round, this is perfectly legal.
Just the reason they use a basketball in basketball or a golf ball in Golf. To give uniformity to the game.
In the sport of golf, a player hits the ball with a golf club.
This is because Titleist has agreements in place with PGATOUR.COM and The Golf channel that they will indicate which players use a Titleist ball.