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Q: Why do golf ball sinks?
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Explanation as to why a golf ball sinks and a ping pong ball floats if they are relatively the same size?

This has got to do with weight and density. A ping pong ball is extreemely light. A golf ball is heavy. If the golfball sinks, that mean that Water of the same volume weigh less. IE the golfball is heavier than water. Regards.

Which ball bounces higher golf ball or tennis ball?

A Golf Ball

Which ball bounces higher golf ball or Styrofoam?

Golf Ball

What is a resort monagrammed golf ball?

It is a golf ball that has the logo of a resort/golf course printed on the ball.

Which element can you hit a golf ball with?

You can hit a golf ball with a golf club.

What is bigger a golf ball or an eyeball?

A golf ball.

What do you call the ball of golf?

That would be a golf ball.

Why does a ball float and a stone sinks?

Something will sink if it is heaver than the same volume of water, so it depends on the density of the ball. Rock is denser than water so stones sink. However, depending on what a ball is made of it may or may not be heavier than the same volume of water. For example a Golf ball is denser than water so it sinks, but a ping-pong ball is lighter and will float.

What weighs more a golf ball or squash ball?

A golf ball weighs more.

Which has more matter a ping pong ball or golf ball?

You know, I really don't know. But I can tell you how to find out. Place water in a bowl and add the golf ball. If it sinks, it's more dense, as it can't displace enough water to cause upthrust. Do it carefully and measure the volume of water displaced, then weigh the dry ball and divide the grams by the cubic cm to get the density. Easy.

How many dimppiels are on a golf ball?

There are 366 dips in a golf ball

What would you use to measure the diameter of a golf ball?

its a golf ball