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I work in property,and have a lot of tenants from Poland,Lithuania and Slovenia,and have been told the same thing by many of them,just as English is very important to learn at school and It was at mine,we would do at least 12 hours a week and maybe 3 hours max physical education,in Europe they have at least an hour a day physically training,and also we had

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Q: Why are eastern Europeans so good at gymnastics?
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Why do you need flexibility?

So that you can move properly and be good at Gymnastics.

Why are gymnast are so good at gymnastics?

because they can do a banana split

Is level four good in mens gymnastics?

It is competition so yes!

Is gymnastics the best sport for you?

Gymnastics is a good sport for you because you cant just be phisically fit you also have to be mentally fit.It also helps you be more flexibal so yes.

Why has tourism become a big business?

because the eastern europeans are allowed all over the place now so, they need more planes

Can you be fat and a gymnast?

Well yes but it will be very painful on your body and joints and you will tire very easily. But gymnastics is a very difficult and strength requiring sport. if you keep at it you will lose the extra weight

How does gymnastics relate to Pakistan?

Gymnastics may relate to Pakistan because the field of gymnastics is varied so is Pakistan

Is gymnastics a famous sport?

gymnastics are a good sport i have to tell u ND i don't know if its a famous sport but it can give u scholarship alot of people (boys,girls) do gymnastics and , u compete with people so i guess its famous hope i helped u :)

What happened when the Europeans and aboriginals where fighting?

the australian aboriginals didn't have good weapons to defeat the europeans, the australian aboriginals only have boomerangs and aeros for weapons, and the european have guns. so the europeans won the war.

Is gymnastics harder then football?

im a girl and do gymnastics i think football is so much harder than gymnastics.

Arch in gymnastics?

An arch in gymnastics is where you bend your back slightly so that you are shaped like "(" that.

Which sport requires more muscle and strength volleyball or gymnastics and why?

gymnastics cuz i said so!!