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It could be due to the dew on the grass.

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Q: Why a tennis ball take more turn in morning rather than noon?
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Which ball bounce more tennis ball baseball cricket ball or rubber ball?

It's tennis ball.

Which of this object that has more inertia Bowling ball or tennis?

Since the lightest tenpin bowling ball is currently 6 pounds and a table tennis ball is not even an ounce, the tenpin bowling ball is heavier.

What has more mass a tennis ball or a styrofoam ball?

A tennis ball has more mass than a styrofoam ball. Tennis balls are typically made of rubber and have a greater density compared to styrofoam, which is a lightweight material.

Does a golf ball weigh more than a tennis ball?

The International Tennis Federation requires a tennis ball to weigh between 56 and 59.4 grams. Under the rules of Golf, a golf ball must weigh no more than 45.93 grams. So no, a golf ball does not weigh more than a tennis ball.

Which weighs more a basketball or a baseball?

Basketball - 22oz. Baseball - 51/8 oz. The basketball is heavier by 1 pound.

Which ball has more momentumgolf ball or tennis ball or soccer ball or bowling ball?


What is the difference between a cricket ball and a tennis ball?

A cricket ball is heavier and harder than a tennis ball, designed for the sport of cricket which requires more durability and bounce. Tennis balls are lighter and designed for tennis, with a softer texture that makes them easier to hit and handle.

Why the tennis ball is faster as hockey puck?

because the tennis has more bounce in it your welcome

Does a golf ball have more mass than a table tennis ball?


Does tectonic plate size affect earthquake magnitude?

I believe it does. If you imagine it with a bowling ball and two tennis balls, when you roll one tennis ball into another stationary tennis ball, it rolls away, but not that far. Now repeat the same experiment with a bowling ball and a tennis ball, the result is much clearer as to which moved the stationary tennis ball more. The bowling ball did as it has a larger mass and size.

What makes tennis more aerodynamic?

spinning ball

How will increasing the diameter of the tennis ball slow a ball in the air?

the more surface area, the more friction, the more the drag