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*update* The record for the most handstand pushups without support is now 32. It's on YouTube.

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Yazmin Pagac

Lvl 9
2y ago
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14y ago

Jeremiah Claskovitz invented it in 1955 because he needed more momentum to do his back handspring. He worked on ideas and came up with the roundoff back handspring. He worked at it and almost instantly the roundoff back handspring was famous and now it is just a gymnastics move.

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Cara Snodgrass

Lvl 1
1y ago
what day did jeremiah do the first backhandspring?

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16y ago

The record is 47 back handsprings in a row. By......

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11y ago

the world record was set by Jack Payne with 46 back-handsprings in a row!

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14y ago


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Q: Who was the first person to do a roundoff backhandspring?
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probally the fist tumble was a forwards roll but the first acual tumbleing was probally a roundoff backhandspring

How do you do a cheerleading layout?

A layout is a tumbling skill level that a higher skill but not uncommon. It could be described as a backtuck (back flip) with your entire body straight. It is usually done after a roundoff backhandspring or just a roundoff. How to do a layout is a skill learned after often years of training and working extremely hard and really to do one you have to have the skills of a backhandspring and a backtuck and it requires the strength and power to be able to flip your body around with grace and percision. For a visual of a "layout" you can go on YouTube and search "standing layout" or "roundoff backhandspring layout" and if you really want to see some cool skill levels search on YouTube "Cheersport Atlanta Tumbling" and there are a couple of videos of a tumbling contest held at Cheersport National Championships in Atlanta (its the worlds largest competition) and they are really talented athletes. Hope my answer was helpful!

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as in level 2...... well if so you HAVE to have a backhandspring and a roundoff backhandspring. thats all the things you pretty much need you really dont need anything else but i am sure they would want you to have good jumps, either base, backspot, or flyer, can do some flexibilty, and more tumbling if possible.

Is three back bend kick over the same distance as one roundoff back hand spring?

It just depends on how long your kickovers are and how long your round off backhandspring. ther is no correct answer becaude everyone does it differently.

What is the most popular cheerleading move?

Jumps wise, I would probably say a toe touch. Stunting wise; a heel stretch stunt or a liberty. Tumbling wise; roundoff backhandspring back tuck. those are all pretty basic.

Is a backhandspring hard?

the backhandspring is the hardest thing to learn. onc you get your backhandspring you can get your roundoff backhandspring and back tuck real quick! it is tricky to learn but its like riding a bike when you have it you have it and can do it with no effort

What is a Backhandspring layout stepout in gymnastics?

Backhandspring (step down one foot at a time), no handed backhandspring (step out one foot at a time) This trick is usually preformed on beam.

Who was the first gymnast to perform around off backhandspring in the olympic games?

Believe that was Olga Korbut

Why coordination is important for rock climbing?

Cordination is importan in gymnastics because you need it to stay straight. For example, if you were doing a roundoff backhandspring you would want to keep your roundoff straight and on the line so that when you go into your backhandspring you wont go crooked and risk possible injury or death.

How do you do a roundoff backhandspring i can do a standing but i cnt do it i always pausee in between help me?

it is so eazy when you find ou you can do it i learnt tha i was double jointed in my back and my legs. the reason you might not be able to do it it because you dont haveany flexability in your stomich legs back and arms i learnt my backwards walkover wand my falwards walkover handspring and roundoff this year before my younger sister did she dose gymnastics and i dont but the stronger you get the better you are at it so dont wory i started off like you but itll pass i promise

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A toe back is really a touch touch backhandspring. After you land your toe touchjump right into your backhandspring.

How do you do a perfect backhandspring when you can not?

legs together for a start...