A non conforming club is a club which exceeds the legal specifications set by the R&A and USGA. These clubs are therefore illegal in competition play.
Golf! In golf, you use the tee, to set your ball on it, then you hit the ball with your selected club.
The collective noun is a set of golf clubs.
This question is pretty vague - I would need to know what kind of golf club set, what brand, etc. Sets can range from having 9 clubs in a set, to 11, to 19.
A complete golf club set consists of a variety of clubs generally consisting of no more than 14 clubs. The exact clubs found inside are entirely up to personal preference, but a wide variety is suggested to cover every available course.
There are any number of collective nouns that could apply to people of a tennis club; for example:a staff of workersa team of playersan crowd of onlookersa board of trusteesa board of directorsa crew of workmena roster of membersa list of deadbeats
Top Flite Hct Tour Mens Golf Club Set would be a good kit for you.
Swingers club and driving range: http://snapmap.wikigta.org/index.php?map=IV&title=Swingers&set=297,375
all golf club brands sell golf bags most sport stores also carry them and if you buy a golf club set you can also get a golf bag with it you can find them at yard sles or even at walmart very easy to find one
I had this set and I want to say that I got the entire set, irons, woods and putter for like $150 new.
Yes. Rule 4, Clubs, does not regulate the weight of a club (USGA Decisions on the Rules of Golf, Decision 4-4a/7). The player is liable for penalty if the club does not meet the provisions, specifications and interpretations set forth in Appendix II of The Rules of Golf. I encountered this situation as a rules official in a tournament a few years ago. The player had thirteen "normal" clubs and a weighted exercise club. However, the grooves on this club did not meet the specifications of Appendix II and he was disqualified, even though he had not used the club in the competition.