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Q: Who is the author of do taller people run faster than shorter people?
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How do taller people run faster than shorter people?

They have longer legs which means further strides.

Whose faster between a taller person or a shorter person?

In general, taller people tend to have longer limbs that can cover more distance per stride, making them faster than shorter people. However, individual differences in factors like muscle strength, agility, and training can also affect speed.

Do shorter people have more energy then taller people?

yes,shorter people do have more energy then taller people.

Do taller people run faster than shorter do?

yes. They have longer legs. So they take bigger steps. They get tired easly i think

Do taller people walk faster than shorter people?

Yes because they take bigger steps than shorter people. Typically yes, although that is not always true. Taller people normally have long legs which means they take larger steps (or, as is the case with me, they may take 'strides' instead of steps). Shorter people do sometimes walk faster though because they take more steps at a faster pace and thus cover more ground. It honestly just depends on the person.

What would be a good decision for a tilte for the project who can run faster taller or shorter people?

you should use "Does Size Really Matter?"

Is a tulip taller or shorter than 1 meter?


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When you lose weight do you look shorter or taller?


People with shorter parents taller than me?

Yes, it is possible to have shorter parents than yourself.

Can a tall person walk further than a shorter person?

If your talking about steps yes. But my science teacher said shorter and leaner people can run faster and longer than the taller and bigger people because they have smaller steps= faster and more coordinated steps on the other hand, taller and bigger people have more weight to carry around if it's bone mass or just (sorry if I offend anybody) fat Hope I helped!!

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