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yes,shorter people do have more energy then taller people.

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Q: Do shorter people have more energy then taller people?
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What's the question???? I'm shorter than people my age..I am 25yrs old and only 4'11!!!

Do taller people walk faster than shorter people?

Yes because they take bigger steps than shorter people. Typically yes, although that is not always true. Taller people normally have long legs which means they take larger steps (or, as is the case with me, they may take 'strides' instead of steps). Shorter people do sometimes walk faster though because they take more steps at a faster pace and thus cover more ground. It honestly just depends on the person.

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Not necessarily, but in general, yes.

Do taller people have an advatage in the Hang Clean?

no, they have to move the weight over a longer distance, therefore doing more work... a shorter body is a huge advantage

Graphs on running tall people verses short people?

tall people would run faster because tall people can take bigger steps than short people. But it would also depend on their age. Even if you are shorter and younger you would run faster because even if an elderly but taller person were to run the shorter and younger person would have more energy to run which would cause the short person to win This isn't true. Shorter people tend do have a more compressed leg and therefor tend to have much more muscular legs and on top of that tend to have less weight and are able to make faster strides. This means short people can outrun taller people even with their extra leg length. You will find alot of runners arnt very all.

Do taller-people run faster than shorter people?

Yes and no. A tall person will be able to cover more distance with each step, but it will require more power as they have more to move; meaning the tall person may be better in the short-run, but they may tire quicker than the short runner. I'll say yes because the taller runner's legs are longer than the shorter runner,which cause the taller runner to take bigger steps than the shorter runner.