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Q: Who is a famous athlete that has shown good sportsmanship?
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What is the name of a famous athlete who has shown good sportsmanship?

Peyton Manning or Micheal Jordan

What athlete is believed to display good sportsmanship in their everyday lives and why?

messi cause he is the best ever

Which is not a part of the definition of good sportsmanship?

Acting like an individual athlete instead of a team player.... apex

What are athletes character when playing a game?

An athlete is encourage by his/her coach to be themselves when in a game, Not only that a character of a athlete should be -Nice -Creative -Have sportsmanship & Team work etc... when a character of a athlete is not good that's what makes them loose the game.

How do you use sportsmanship in a sentence?

"You had very good sportsmanship"" My coach says sportsmanship is an important part of the game."

Where could one see videographic evidence of good sportsmanship?

There are various places where video footage of good sportsmanship is shown. Typically, watching tv shows that are dedicated to sport in general or to a specific sport will show clips of recent player interaction, occasionally showing players demonstrating good sportsmanship. Otherwise, it is usually possible to find such videos on video streaming websites such as YouTube, and also on social media such as FaceBook.

What is sportsmanship?

Sportsmanship is how a person behaves while playing a sport. Playing by the rules and not being a sore looser is good sportsmanship.

What is the result of sportsmanship?

Winning! Everybody who has good sportsmanship will win, whether they get a higher score or not.

How does sportsmanship affect sports?

Sportsmanship affects sports positively. Good sportsmanship makes players feel good about themselves and their efforts. This causes people playing those sports to feel good about each other.

Who has good sportsmanship everyday?

Eva ShockleyShockley

What is good sportsmanship in baseball?

Shaking hands after the game.

What is a Sentence for Good Sportsmanship?