Spaceship Earth, as it's officially called, was designed by Walt Disney Imagineers in the late 1970s and opened in 1982, originally conceived as the park icon by Herb Ryman. The design is also heavily based on the writings and architectural works of acclaimed architect Buckminster Fuller.
It's not a giant golf ball it's a Icosahedron or a geodesic dome.
Epcot park Florida, USA
Inside the golf ball at Epcot is a ride called "Spaceship Earth." On the very top of the golf ball, however, is something very few people actually know exist. At the top of the ball (inside of course), there are a few conference rooms owned by the German company Siemens. This company is the same one that sponsors the Laser Light Show. Where is my proof? My dad is in the electrical engineering division of Siemens, and has helped work in Epcot (his company worked with Disney to create "Spaceship Earth").
Spaceship Earth at Epcot in Walt Disney World, Orlando, FL, USA.
The best ball for a lady is a Ladies golf ball, these are designed so that you can get the most out of the ball and the most out of your game. There are a lot of golf balls designed for ladies, it is simply personal choice which one you prefer.
Theres the "epcot golf ball" ride, its basiclly going through time which is quite good, but all the others are genrally rubbish.
The Epcot globe has 11324 triangles.
Spaceship Earth at Epcot is 180 feet tall. A golf ball is 1.68 inches tall. A 6 foot tall golfer is about 42 times taller than the golf ball. Therefore, to use Spaceship Earth as a golf ball you need to be around 7,714 feet tall, or just under 1.5 miles tall. An average drive for a golfer that size would be nearly 150 miles.
No the golf ball was designed to be hit hard. Why would a hammer produce a result different than being hit by a golf club?