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I think it was the ancient Greeks that invented it...

(hope its right!)

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Q: Who are some famous pole vaulters?
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What are athletes called when they pole vault?


How do pole vaulters propel themselves high into the air?

The pole acts like a spring, that is why it bends so much at the start of the jump.

Why do pole vaulters shave their armpits?

Some polevaulters shave thier armpits because they thaink that it will make them run fast because of less weight. Some do it just because of religion.

Can a pole vault pole get wet an still be used for jumping purposes?

Yes the poles will be undamaged make sure the vaulters hands are dry and tape is dry so the vaulter doesn't slip.

How has technology improved in pole vaulting?

The biggest improvements in pole vaulting technology have been in the pole itself. New materials allow the poles to be longer, lighter, stronger, and more flexible. This allows vaulters to go run faster, go higher, and reduces the chances of pole breakage making the dangerous sport at least a little bit safer.

Explain how a pole vaulter uses potential and kinetic energy to vault himself over the bar?

many people say that a vaulters run up is what is building there potintial energy which is sortof true but in reality however much the pole bends is the potintial energy of the vault

How many points can be earned in a pole vault in track and field?

Each person attempting the long jump will have three attempts. Competitors must have at least one legal jump to count in the final totals.

Why do pole vaulters run very fast before vaulting?

Without speed a vaulter would never get off the ground. The forward momentum built up in the run is transferred to the bend in the pole and in upward momentum used to clear the bar. Typically a pole vaulter possesses sprinters speed and are good all around athletes.

Do pole vaulting poles ever brake while someone is vaulting?

Ya it happens occasionally. Usually at least once in every vaulters career. But it requires an immense amount of force to bend the pole that much. And when it snaps it sounds like a gunshot going off in the middle of the field. But that is why it is important to be equal to or lighter than the weight listed on the top of the pole.

Is there a pole rating available for a 200 pound vaulter?

There are many poles rated for a 200 lbs vaulter. First a vaulter of that size must work on their technique to ensure that he can use such a large pole. Then depending on the vaulters height and jump a vaulter can buy a 14' - 17' 7" that is rated for a 200 lbs vaulter. But a 14' 200 is not the same pole as a 16' 200. Please look up a pole size chart before picking the right size pole.

How high is the bar for the pole jump?

The bar starts at a relatively low height and is raised as vaulters clear that height. The world record for men in pole vault is 6.14 meters (20 feet, 1 3/4 inches) and the world record for women is 5.03 meters (16 feet, 6 inches).

Is there any famous sites in Antarctica?

The South Pole is pretty famous.