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Q: What are athletes called when they pole vault?
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What is the stadium called where the do the pole vault?

It is called the pole vault pit.

Which track and field events do athletes jump over obstacles?

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What olympic sport lets athletes jump 10 meteres through the air?

pole vault?

Is there an olympic event called pole jump?

Yes, its is basically pole vault without the pole.

An event like the high jump but with a long stick is called the pole what?

It Is "Pole Vault".

Who is the athlete in the 2000 Olympics pole vault accident?

Denys Yurchenko -

Where did the name pole vault came from?

Well, participants use a long pole to vault (jump) over a rod, thus the name pole vault

What is the pole called in high jump?

The "stick" itself is just called a pole or a pole vaulting pole. The poles are named by their length and maximum weight it can hold. For instance, a pole that is 12 feet tall and can hold a pole vaulter with a maximum weight of 130 pounds is a 12 foot 130 pole.

What is a pole vault pole made out of?

Pole Vault Poles used to made out of materials such as wood, metal and bamboo. Pole Vault Poles are now made out of bendable materials such as Fiberglass and Carbon Fiber

When was Bill Miller - pole vault - born?

Bill Miller - pole vault - was born in 1912.

When did Bill Miller - pole vault - die?

Bill Miller - pole vault - died in 2008.

The difference between long jump and Pole vault?

The main difference between the events that any auxiliary equipment is not used in the high jump by the athlete. In contrast, the athlete jumps with the pole as an assisting equipment in the pole vault to pass over the bar. All athletes have three attempts per height during the competition.