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Usually at the bottom, there are two spaces, one for the marker (the person who marked the card) and one for the player (the person whose scores are recorded) If either or both of these is not filled in the player shall be disqualified, it is their responsibility to check the card is correct before handing it in.

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Q: Where is a golf score card signed?
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What is a player responsible when lodging a golf score The card is signed but the wrong score is entered in the results section. when the card is sign by both player and marker?

Player responsible for accepting markers scores and his own ,if score is lower than correct...disquilified.....if score is higher it stands

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What is the highest golf score for a round of golf?

Theoretically, the "highest" score (and thereby the worst possible score) is infinite. In practice, most amateurs limit a hole's score to 10 strokes, making the maximum carded score (score written on a score card) 180 (or +108 on a par-72 course).

How many golf balls can members of the PGA have in their golf bag?

There isn't really a limit of the amount of golf balls you can have. But if you run out of balls, you can't turn in a score card, and you are disqualified.

How do you score a golf outing?

If you have a group of golfers together for a golf event, you can score it how you like.

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What do you get when you cross a card with a game of golf?

A golf card.

How many rounds of golf do have to play to be eligible for a handicap?

Three rounds off the competition tees, card marked and signed by member.

In which sport does the player with the lowest score win?

Golf is one Sport where the player with the lowest score wins. The player that hits the ball the least amount of time, and holes the ball has the better score.

How do you get a score in golf?

A golf score is counted up by the amount of shots you hit in order, between tee box and into the hole.

What is birdle used in golf?

A birdie is a golf score. Each hole has a par score. If you do it in one less it is called a birdie.

How can you be kicked out of a golf round?

The question is rather vague. Do you mean asked to leave the course? In which case it could be for using a mobile phone, threatening or inappropriate behavior or the way you are dressed. Being disqualified from a competition may be because you signed for an incorrect score, there was no markers or players signature on the card, etc.