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Three rounds off the competition tees, card marked and signed by member.

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Q: How many rounds of golf do have to play to be eligible for a handicap?
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Related questions

How many rounds of golf does it take to establish a handicap?

3 completed score cards.

How many rounds must a golfer have played to be eligible to record a handicap?

It is three rounds, under competition conditions, from the competition tees signed by member.

How many scores does it take to get a handicap index?

The USGA uses the lowest 10 out of your last 20 rounds to find your handicap.

How many round would a gopher golf if a gopher could golf rounds?

None. That's because a gopher CAN'T golf.

What are the chances of a 25 handicap shooting an 82 on a golf course with a 72.4 rating and a 134 slope?

It's probably unlikely that the 25 handicapper will shoot that many under their handicap, but you never know. Depends if they are regularly shooting better than there handicap. Anything can happen in golf.

How many rounds of golf did heinrich du preez play in 1 week?

He played 108 rounds of golf at the Wingate Park Country Club in Gauteng, South Africa in 2010

How many rounds of golf did john beohner play last year?


If you shoot 20 rounds under par what is your handicap?

It depends how many shots under par you shot and the difficulty of the course. But it would be + something.

If your golf handicap is 54 how many extra shots over on each hole do you get?

You would get 3 shots per hole.

How many players qualify for the final two rounds of the British Open golf tournament?

There are a total of 156 players who qualify to play in the British Open golf tournament. The players who place in the top 70 positions will qualify to play for the final two rounds.

2 How many holes are major golf tournaments played over?

72 holes, 4 rounds of 18.

How do you calculate your handicap in pitch and putt?

Play 3 rounds of golf, total the amount you are over par, and divide by 3, then round up. This is roughly your starting handicap. The handicap system is a lot more advanced, it takes CSS into account and you get reduced by or increased by decimal points depending on how you play and depending on your handicap category.