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It's going to be repeated.

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Q: When the server tosses the ball up in the air and swings and misses the ball in tennis the serve is?
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What is a serve in which the server tosses the ball makes an approach jumps and spikes the ball?

This is called a jump serve.

What is the probability of getting 2 heads on all 3 tosses?

The probability is 0, since there will be some 3-tosses in which you get 0, 1 or 3 heads. So not all 3-tosses will give 2 heads.

What does flings mean?

Throws, Tosses.

What is the probability of getting both tails on two tosses of a coin?

The probability of two tails on two tosses of a coin is 0.52, or 0.25.

What is the probabiltiy that a coin will land on heads in six tosses?

The probability that a coin will land on heads - at least once - in six tosses is 0.9844

What is the frequency for heads in a series of 100 tosses of a fair coin?

The theoretical frequency of heads will be .5 and as you do more and more coin tosses the observed frequency should get closer and closer to .5. With 100 tosses, it will be pretty close, but not exactly .5

What are the chances of a coin landing on heads 35 times in a row?

In 34 or fewer tosses, the answer is 0. In infinitely many tosses, the answer is 1. The answer depends on the number of tosses and, since you have chosen not to share that critical bit of information, i is not possible to give a more useful answer.

What is one method for calculating the total number of outcomes in a sample space?

You think of each toss as having heads or tails, so there are two choices. If you toss the coin twice you have 4 choices HH, TT, HT and TH. The number of different coin tosses is 2^n ordered tosses and n+1 unordered. For example in two tosses, 2^2=4 ordered tosses if HT is different than TH and if HT is the same as TH then we have 2+1=3 different possible tosses.

Find the probability of heads on three consecutive tosses of a coin?

The number of total outcomes on 3 tosses for a coin is 2 3, or 8. Since only 1 outcome is H, H, H, the probability of heads on three consecutive tosses of a coin is 1/8.

While standing on the roof of a building, a child tosses a tennis ball with an initial speed of 15 m/s at an angle of 35° below the horizontal. The ball lands on the ground 2.6 s later. How tall, in meters, is the building?

The height of the building is 57.3 meters.

How does increasing the number of tosses of a coin affect the average size of the deviation?

It's an important principle or probability. The more coin tosses there are, the more chance there is for an expected outcome.

What is the probability of of tossing heads on the first 6 tosses of a fair coin?

The probability of tossing heads on all of the first six tosses of a fair coin is 0.56, or 0.015625. The probability of tossing heads on at least one of the first six tosses of a fair coin is 1 - 0.56, or 0.984375.