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Q: When serving the shuttlethe racquet face must be where?
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What happens when you get a foul in badminton?

There are three types of fouls in badminton:1. Service fouls- The racquet head (the round part with the strings) must be below your waist when serving- The path of the racquet must swing upwards- The path of the birdie must be going upwards until it reaches the net2. Contact fouls- If the birdie is coming your direction and it hits you on your head, arm, leg, shirt- You can only touch the birdie when you are serving, but when the birdie is in play, only your racquet can touch it- When the birdie is in play, you only have once chance to get the birdie over the net, if you hit it two times, it is a foul3. Net fouls- You and your racquet are not allowed to go over the net when the birdie is in play- You and your racquet are not allowed to touch the net when the birdie is in play

What is the sport squash?

is a racquet sport like the famous game racquet ball where two people are in a small room with four glass walls and there is a net so just think that you are playing tennis in a small indoor room!

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The Muslims must face holy Ka'abah while offering prayer.

What are the basic foot works in badminton?

Moving forwards - Running then lunging with your racquet foot for the shot Moving Sideways - Running then lunging or shuffling then lungingMoving Backwards - Usually a shuffling motion (with racquet foot leading back), but can be slightly walking backwardsWhen shuffling backwards, you must turn your body to face the wall then turn and transfer your weight when you hit your shots to generate power.

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The Roman emperor decreed that all Christian soldiers serving in his army must renounce their Christianity and offer sacrifices to the pagan Roman gods or face execution. Saint George refused and was martyred.

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A common obstacle that every civilization must face is hurricanes,storms,etc.

What are the violations of badminton?

I know a few like: you can't touch the net with yr raquet and yr racquet must nver past over d net

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Elephants must face RIGHT. They must also have their trunks curl up for good luck.

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A common obstacle that every civilization must face is hurricanes,storms,etc.

What is a common obstacle that every civilization must face?

A common obstacle that every civilization must face is hurricanes,storms,etc.

What must be true of a food in order for the label to claim that it is fat-free according to FDA?

Less then 0.5 Grams per serving Apex lawls