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If you are playing singles in Table Tennis, the ball can hit any part of your opponent's half of the table after passing over the net.

As long as the ball hits the playing surface, the service will be legal. The white lines are part of the playing surface.

However, if the ball touches the net during service, before touching the playing surface, the service must be replayed.

But if you're playing doubles, the service must only touch the right half court.

The only instance where the ball must go between your opponents corners of the table is if the receiver is a wheelchair user, then the service must exit between the two corners on his side.

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13y ago
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13y ago

In singles you can serve to any part of the table.

In doubles you can only serve to/from the right court.

If the ball touches the line, it is in.

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12y ago

it matters.In doubles, you serve from corner to opposite corner. In singles, you just go up the middle

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To legally serve in table tennis, You must throw the ball six inches up in the air, and you MUSN'T contact the ball over the table.

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2003. You cannot hide the ball from your opponent whilst serving.

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A sealed pocket of Air is inside the hollow center of a table tennis ball.

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A sealed pocket of Air is inside the hollow center of a table tennis ball.

Measurement of the ball in the table tennis?

The official rules of table tennis state that the ball must be spherical, with a diameter of 40mm.

What is a net ball?

A net ball is on any shot that it goes in the net. A let ball is when you are serving and it hits the net but the ball goes in therefore re-serving.

Can the ball hit the white line in the table tennis Olympics?

In Table Tennis, as long as the ball touches the table, it is counted, the markings aren't important.

Why people hit to play table tennis?

Playing table tennis involves hitting a ball.

Are table tennis and tennis the same?

similar, but not the same, no. for example, when serving in table tennis, the ball must hit YOUR side of the table, bounce over the net and then hit your opponents side. in regular tennis, it just needs to hit your opponent's side. the rules that are the same include: the ball must not bounce more than once on your side of the net, or you lose that point you may not hit the ball more than once when it is on you side of the net (meaning, if you hit it into the air straight up, you may not then hit it again to try to get it over the net) serving is done behind the back line, and must be done from one quadrant of the court (or table) and needs to bounce on the quadrant kitty-corner from the serving quadrant.