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In Table Tennis (ping pong) as long you hit the ball onto your opponent's half of the table, the ball is in play and must be returned or the point is lost.

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Q: When playing ping pong is a ball hit off the table still in play?
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Explain to make a point in playing ping pong?

In your opponent hits the ball off the table without the ball physically touching the table and you still hit back on the table the point still goes to you

What sport would you be playing if your ball weighs 1.6 ounces?

you would be playing ping pong (table tennis) the ball ways 1.6 ounces

What is a ping pong ball?

It is a small ball that you hit back and forth on a ping pong table.

Is the Chinese name for table tennis ping pong?

Actually not really. We still call it table tennis, if I render from Chinese into English we call it "Table ball"

What is the name of table tinnes ball?

ping pong

In ping pong if the ball hits your paddle when it's out is it the other person's point?

It depends.The crucial test for whether a player wins a point after volleying the ball is ... was the ball moving towards, or away from, the playing surface?Let me explain with a question and answer ...If I hit a ball to my opponent, and it doesn't hit their half of the playing surface (table) because it's a bad shot ... but they hit the ball anyway, who gets the point?Well, it depends ...If your opponent hits/volleys the ball whilst it's still travelling over the playing surface, you win the point.But if it's already passed over the playing surface and it's obviously not going hit the table, your opponent wins the point.In other words, if there's a chance that the ball might hit the table because it's still travelling towards it, your opponent would lose the point if he prevented it from doing so by hitting/volleying it ...But ...If the ball has already passed over the table and/or is travelling away from the table, your opponent wins the point whether he hits/volleys it or not.

Can you step to the side of the table to return the ball in ping pong?

Yes. You can step to the side of the table to return the ball.

What sport uses the lightist ball?

Table tennis (ping pong)

What is the NAME of the SOUND of a ping pong ball hitting a table?

A Tap.

What do the lines mean when playing singles ping pong?

The lines on a table tennis table have no purpose when playing singles.

What is the regulation size of a ping pong ball?

The current regulation size of a table tennis ball is 40mm.

Where does the word ping pong originate from?

Well, an ancient being from centuries ago hit a ping pong ball with his or her paddle. When the ball hit the paddle it made a 'ping' sound. The ball rebounded of the paddle and hit the table, making a 'pong' sound. Ping pong was then born.