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When it is greatest, and when it SHOULD BE greatest are two different things. In a professional Golf swing, the speed/acceleration is greatest at impact, or at the bottom of the arc. In most amateurs, it is probably greatest on the way down, and before impact.

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Q: When is speed greatest in a swing?
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At what point is the Kinetic energy of the end of a pendulum greatest?

The kinetic energy of the end of a pendulum is greatest at the lowest point of its swing (the bottom of the swing). This is because the pendulum has the highest speed at this point, which translates to a greater kinetic energy.

Where is the potential energy of a swing the greatest?

The potential energy of a swing is greatest at the highest point of its arc. This is where the swing has the most distance from the ground and the most potential to do work if released.

when is potential energy the greatest at the top of a swing or at the bottom?

Potential energy is greatest at the top of the swing when the height is highest and decreases as the swing descends. At the bottom of the swing, most of the energy has been converted into kinetic energy, so the potential energy is lower compared to the top of the swing.

What shaft should a swing speed of 75-80 mph use?

That would be the ideal swing speed for regular shafts.

What swing speed is classed as moderate?

Probably around 75-85 mph would be considered a moderate swing speed.

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The greatest type of energy at the bottom of a swing's path is kinetic energy, which is the energy of motion. The potential energy at the top of the swing is converted to kinetic energy as the swing reaches the bottom of its arc.

What happen to simple pendulum at lowest point of its swing?

At the lowest point of its swing, a simple pendulum's velocity is at its maximum, and its potential energy is at its minimum. The kinetic energy is at its highest since the pendulum has the highest speed.

What is faster-bat speed or a pitchers speed?

it depends on the pitch speed and the batters swing.

How much extra distance does an expensive driver give you?

It depends on your swing speed and swing plane. My swing speed is 105 and I didn't get more than five yards extra when I switched to an expensive driver.

Where will you locate on a pendulum or roller coaster the greatest potential and greatest kinetic energy?

The greatest potential energy will be located at the highest point of the pendulum or roller coaster, when the object is farthest from the ground. The greatest kinetic energy will be located at the lowest point of the pendulum or roller coaster, when the object is moving fastest.

Average golf swing speed?

The average golfers swing speed is about 75-85 mph. Someone who hits the ball a long way will have a swing speed of more than 90. A professional would probably have a 100mph or more swing. Long drive champions would swing it around 130 mph!

Is a swing speed of 84 average for a 70 year old golfer?

Yes, a swing speed of 84 would be considered above average for a 70-year-old golfer. Age can typically decrease swing speed due to factors like decreasing muscle mass and flexibility. A swing speed of 84 suggests good fitness and technique for a golfer in that age group.