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Probably around 75-85 mph would be considered a moderate swing speed.

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Q: What swing speed is classed as moderate?
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Got a 80 mph swing what driver shaft do you need?

You should probably use a regular shaft because that is quite a moderate swing speed.

What is 'moderate speed' when translated from English to Italian?

"Moderate speed" in English means velocità moderata in Italian.

What shaft should a swing speed of 75-80 mph use?

That would be the ideal swing speed for regular shafts.

How fast is moderato?

Moderate speed

What is faster-bat speed or a pitchers speed?

it depends on the pitch speed and the batters swing.

How much extra distance does an expensive driver give you?

It depends on your swing speed and swing plane. My swing speed is 105 and I didn't get more than five yards extra when I switched to an expensive driver.

Average golf swing speed?

The average golfers swing speed is about 75-85 mph. Someone who hits the ball a long way will have a swing speed of more than 90. A professional would probably have a 100mph or more swing. Long drive champions would swing it around 130 mph!

Is a swing speed of 84 average for a 70 year old golfer?

Yes, a swing speed of 84 would be considered above average for a 70-year-old golfer. Age can typically decrease swing speed due to factors like decreasing muscle mass and flexibility. A swing speed of 84 suggests good fitness and technique for a golfer in that age group.

What is the best swing speed for a golf club?

The swing is about timing and tempo. As we each have our own inner clock, the swing speed will depend on the individual making it. It is important to maintain good balance when making the swing, as well as acceleration thru the ball. Your speed at contact should be somewhere between 75 and 85% at contact , leaving you 15 to 25% of acceleration after contact.

What speed does the Nissan LEAF travel at?

the leaf goes at a moderate speed to todays date

What is the swing speed of mike dobbyn?

his swing speed is about 150mph.his longest drive is 551 and on his recoal on that drive he snaped his 96 gram shaft( x x x x stiff )

Cite an example in which your instantanous speed could be ziro while your acceleration is nonziro?

On a child's swing. At each end of the arc of swing there is a moment when your instantaneous speed is zero, while your acceleration is not.