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Well, you are obviously loose if your legs are bending in your giant. The key to keeping your legs straight is you have to be tight...squeeze everything. Don't just focus on your keeping your legs straight but keep your entire body rigid. Since you already know the feeling of getting around the bar, and know how to get around the bar, it is better for you stay tight with legs straight and go as far as you can around and possible not make it all the way around than to have bent legs. Most judges will deduct 5/10 of a point for bent legs and they can also deduct for you just being loose in general. SO STAY TIGHT AND YOU CAN DO IT!!! When you go around the bar, the reason you bend your legs is because you probably don't have (or feel you don't have) enough momentum to get around the bar with straight legs. The way to get the momentum you need is by tapping. To tap, you need to concentrate on being tight, especially in your thighs. On the way down from the handstand, arch slightly. Right when you're under the bar, swing your legs forward to get into a hollow position that will carry you up and over the bar. You may may need a little practice to get the timing right on the tap. When you go into the hollow position, an important thing to do is to keep your shoulders in line. If your shoulders are not in line, you'll never hit a good handstand. Hope this helps

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Q: When I do my giants in gymnastics i always have a good cast handstand but when i go around the bar my legs bend. Once i get up to another handstand i straighten again Can anyone help me?
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I need to do a cartwheel and a handstand for a performance and I'm having a lot of trouble and little time left so I really need some advice- any tips?

1. make sure you know how to lunge. and make sure you bend your knee in a lunge 2.when you do a cartwheel, turn your not dominant hand (not the hand you use for writing) in toward your dominant hand.(fingers toward your dominant hand.) 3. do not swing your legs around you when doing a cartwheel. instead get in a lunge and do a side handstand the go down and quickly pick your hands off the floor. 4.always land facing the wall you were not facing when you started.(in a cartwheel) 5.learn the handstand first, this is the key to doing a cartwheel. 6.keep a tight body when doing gymnastics, the tighter, the longer you will do a handstand. 7. you can practice a handstand against your couch. 8. pointing your toes is important in competition. 9.practice, practice, practice.

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What school subjects link to Gymnastics?

Well i know for a fact in six grade there is lots of running evolved but in gymnastics you run a lot so it helps to do gymnastics because it helps wit your running skills. Like i have mile days at school and since i did gymnastics it's always ben easy while everyone else was always behind me.

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always use conditioner,

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You want to do gymnastics but im 15 is it to late to start learining?

No it is never too late to start gymnastics you can always take a tumbling class or something.

How many people in the world think that gymnastics is not a sport?

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