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Gymnastics was always in Russia, it was invented there. Every Olympics, Russian gymnasts compete and do well.

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Q: When was gymnastics in Russia?
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Related questions

What is the largest gymnastics center in Russia?

The Gymnastics Centre in Kazan is the largest.

Who is the best at rhythmic gymnastics?

russia is the best country at rythmic and USA and spots gymnastics

How popular is gymnastics in russia?

cuzzz it want it to be

What are the nations that dominate gymnastics?

In my opinion the nations that dominate in gymnastics are the US, Russia, China and Austria

What is the largest gymnastics center you Russia?

Gymnastics is an important sport and fitness event in Russia. The largest gymnastics center you will find in Russia is Ozero Krugloye camp located 20 miles south of Moscow. This is where Olympic hopefuls and contenders are sent to train throughout the year.

What is the main sport in Russia?

Rhythmic gymnastics is considered one of the most popular sports in Russia.

What are girls competing for artisic gymnastics from Russia in the beijin golympic?

Answer:the girls are competing for artisic gymnastics because,it is the best gymnastice ever.

Which countries now dominate the International Gymnastics and why?

china, usa romia Russia

Who is expected to win gold in rhythmic gymnastics individual?

Evgenia Kanaeva, Russia.

Which countries now dominate the international gymnastics scene and why?

china, usa romia Russia

What spasific reigion is gymnastics from?

Gymnastics has been around for centuries. Gymnastics comes from the word Gymnos, meaning naked in Greek. Which is were and how gymnastics started, with all men being naked in the Greek Olympic games. Ancient Greece is where gymnastics origionated but has become more modernized in China, America, Russia and the Ukraine.

What countriess are gymnastics played in?

Many many countries, but it is especially popular in China, Russia, U.S., etc.