well my daughter is eleven and she does a minute nineteen (she is best in her elementary school) but she is fifth grade. so for seventh grade an average is probably about one minute five seconds or under if you are good.
60seconds >
I'm not sure what's an average time but a 51 second 400m is very good for a 16 year old. (Top in Ontario for sure).
The average velocity of a runner who completes one lap of a 400m track in 75 seconds is 5.33 m/s. This is calculated by dividing the distance traveled (400m) by the time taken (75s).
Well with proper hurdle technique you should be able to maintain a 1:03 or 1:04. Considering your probably a beginner I would expect your time to be a 1:09, 10 seconds slower than your 400m time.
i am 13 and i got 57 for 400m
To find the average speed you divide the distance by the time. Use the formula v=d/t, v standing for velocity or speed, d standing for distance, and t standing for time. So, 400m/ 32s = 12.5m/s
16.28 as run by me! 9 year old
Bolt has run 45.28s for 400m.
at my school its like a 50.5 or below for really good teams it can be as low as 48 or 49
the average 7th grader spends 2 and a half hours on homework
An average time for the 400m in the Olympics is under 45 seconds. /\/\ that guy is wrong since the 400 metres current olympic world record is 45.28 how can the average be under 45 seconds IDIOTS on this site astound me!