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It would be 40. The scoring in tennis is love, 15, 30, 40.

Deuce is when the score is tied at 40.

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Q: What would be between 30 and deuce?
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Is 30 30 deuce?

No, 30-30 is just called "30 all". Deuce would be when the score is 40-40 (remembering that the scoring system goes love, 15, 30, 40, then if necessary deuce and ad). It is fairly similar, however, because in both cases of 30 all and deuce one person must win two more points to win the game.

In which Olympic sport would you see scores like 30-Love or Deuce?


Why isn't a 30 30 in tennis called deuce when you have to get two consecutive points to win?

30/30 in Tennisbecause it isn't at the point where you would normally win the game if you won the following point?.

What is duce in badminton?

"Deuce", is used when both players have tied at three points in a game. 40-40. A deuce is when the player tie after that. You will need to understand ads to help you understand deuces. For instance: (here some basic scores for a deuce game) 15-0 30-0 30-15 40-15 40-30 40-40 DEUCE

What is the first point after deuce called in tennis?

No. If the server wins the point at deuce, it is advantage-in for the server. If the server loses the point after deuce it is advantage-out.

Are love and deuce the only points in tennis?

No love means zero. it then goes love (zero), 15, 30, 40. and deuce is when it is 40 for both teams.

What does it mean when stewie says what the deuce?

I would guess that deuce is another word for crap or sh*t

What actors and actresses appeared in Deuce - 2008?

The cast of Deuce - 2008 includes: Deuce Skurcenski as Deuce Lawrence Skurcenski as Deuce

What is duec in tennis?

Deuce* If your playing a game with deuces and ads, and the game gets to a point where the server is at 40, and your at 30 and you win the point and then both are 40-40 ; Which is called deuce. then its ads from there.

Who would win in a fight j3t or deuce?

ITS ALL ABOUT J3T! Plus, Have u ever seen Deuce's arms? pathetic hahaha

What do you say 30 all in terms of tennis?

You say 30-all when you are serving and you are announcing the serve. It is when you won two points and your opponent won two points. The points go like this: 15-30-45-game. And if it's 45-all, it's DEUCE. And then you have to score two points in a row after DEUCE to get game

I are getting a new head and i currently have a stx deuce and i am thinking brine clutch or answer and my shaft is a brine f15 or should i get another deuce?

get the clutch. cause if u have a deuce why would u get another the answer is good but i have the clutch and i love it get the clutch