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Q: What is love in a table tennis score?
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Related questions

What word symbolizes zero in tennis?

Love, in tennis or table tennis zero or nothing means love

What is love in tennis score?

The word love in tennis is a corresponding call in scoring of it and the meaning of love in tennis is 0.

If the score is love 15 what sport is being played?

It is a tennis score, meaning that the server has no points

Which sport has 'love'? means a score of 0

In what sport do you hear the terms love deuce?

The typical sport that uses the term, "deuce", is Tennis or Table Tennis.

In which sport is the score zero caled love?


What do score love represent in tennis?

0 (zero)

In tennis zero score is?

The term "Love' is used in the game of tennis to refer to 0 or zero score. For example, if I were serving and had lost 2 consecutive points the score would be 0-30 or love-30. Also, at the beginnings of each set 0-0 score for both players, it can be called "love-love"

In which sport might you hear the term love?

Tennis - a score of zero points is known as "love"; Ex: The score is 40 to love.

Scores in a table tennis game?

First player to reach 11 and win by 2. Best of 5 games = match (usually) A long time ago, table tennis was played to 21.

In what game is a score also known as Love?

You mean tennis?

Which sport calls a score of zero called love?
