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Well in the renissance times jousting was a huge sport also they would make Indian music and play all sorts of games. Many people enjoyed when they jousted because they got the chance to see the men play in their hard core sport

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13y ago
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17y ago

A lot of the Renassance Festival was sports. Most of the sports they played then we still play now.

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16y ago

Soccer and violent sports were very popular.

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14y ago

they had football, tennis, Baseball, pole vaulting, Basketball and other sports like biking, beach volleyball

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15y ago

for games and sports like we have football they have jousting

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14y ago

Jousting Tournaments were popular back then. Thts correct. and they had turnies where they played tennis and criket

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14y ago

I guess you could say jousting, that was a big sport back then.

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14y ago

freestyle Snowboarding (mainly Big air and boarderX)

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12y ago

I have really no idea. But don't blame me.

Please don't blame me

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Q: What were some of the sports played during the Renaissance?
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