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It was 1984 when Mary Lou Retton first performed the Tsukahara vault in competition. It was at the Olympic games and she scored a perfect 10.

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Q: What was the year when Mary Lou Retton first performed the Tsukahara vault?
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What are two skills you can perform on a vault?

# Tsukahara # Half on # Handspring # Yurchenko # Rudi

What was Mary Lou retton the best at?

She got the 1984 all around gold, but reputably her best event was vault :D

What did Mary Lou retton wear?

She was a gymnast in the 1996 Olympics. She scored a perfect 10 on the vault.

What is a tsukahara?

A Tsukahara is a vault move. The gymnast runs and jumps on a beat board (also known as a spring board) and does a round-off onto the vaulting horse (also known as a Pegasus, then does a back somersault off to land on their feet.

What are some gymnastics moves on vault?

There is front handspring, Yerchenko, Kasumatsu, Yeo 2, Tsukahara, there are many others but these are just some of them.

What part of Mary Lou retton was hurt?

It wasn't a routine, it was her second vault that won the gold medal for the U. S. A. women's gymnastics team, in the 1984 LA olympics!

How did Mary Lou Retton become famous?

Mary Lou Retton gained fame by being the first American woman to win a gold medal in gymnastics. She won the medal in the 1984 Olympics after scoring a perfect 10 on both the floor exercise and the vault.

What was the last event Mary Lou Retton won in the 1984 Olympics?

Mary Lou Retton won 1 gold medal at the 1984 Summer Games in Los Angeles. That was in individual all around. She won silver in team all around and vault and bronze in floor exercise and uneven bars.

Who won US first female individual all around gymnastics olympic gold medal?

Mary Lou Retton, who was first trained in a local gym in West Virgina, and later by Bela Karolyi in Texas, won the women's All Around competition in Los Angleles Olympics. The all around competition was close and it came down to the final event, vault, and in order to win Retton had to receive a perfect score of 10. Scoring a perfect 10 was extremely difficult and rare , especially under pressure at the Olympic Games. Retton displayed no outward fear or hesitation and she executed a perfect layout Tsukahara Vault to received a 10. Even though she had aleady won the title and she didn't have perform a second vault, she executed a second perfect vault for another 10 which left no doubt in the minds of the spectators who was the new (and first American) Women's Olympic All Around Gymnastics Champion.

What score is needed to be a gymnastics vault specialist for level 8?

What you must be concerned about here, is how the vault is performed. You must have stay through the vault, and make sure you practice before.

How much bronze medals in the Olympics did Mary Lou retton win?

Gymnast Mary Lou Retton of the United States won two Olympic bronze medals ... in floor exercise and uneven bars at the 1984 Games in Los Angeles. At the 1984 Games, she also won gold in individual all around and silver in team all around and horse vault.

How can you go in and out of Vault 101 anytime in Fallout 3?

You can not go back in and out of Vault 101. After you first leave the Vault the only time you can go back in is for the quest "Trouble On The Homefront." but once you beat that side quest you are not allowed back in Vault 101 ever.