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Q: What was Shawn Johnson's highest score ever in gymnastics?
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Related questions

How is the winner decided in gymnastics?

The person who gets the highest score (usually out of 10) wins.

Why are the highest and lowest judges scores disregarded in tallying the total score in a gymnastics competetion?

The highest and lowest scores in a gymnastics competition are thrown out so that the average scores are what is counted across the board. This both helps and harms the gymnast if they have an extreme score either way.

How do you score a goal in gymnastics?

in gymnastics you don't "score goals" you compete and receive points.

How does gymnastics score?

with numbers. dopppppppp!!!!!!!!

What is the perfect score in gymnastic?

A perfect score in gymnastics would be a ten.

Gymnastics high scores?

Depending on what level you are competting in determines the highest possible scores. For all levels in womans gymnastics except Elite the highest score is 10.0 For Elites there is no highest score you get "bonuses" for skills. A high score for Elite is 14.0-16.0 depending on the meet.

What was the score Shawn and mark got on their cha-cha?

a good score

In what sport is a perfect score 10?


Who is the current record holder for artistic gymnastics?

The current World Champion is Evgenia Kanaeva. The best in the U.S. is Julie Zetlin. The Olympic Champion from 2008 was Alina Kabaeva. Alina and Evgenia used to train together in the best gym in the world. (in Moscow, Russia, I think)

Was Shawn Johnson on Secret Life of the American Teenager?

no. she was on secret life of the American teenager though.

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