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Q: What term refers to a point in tennis that must be replayed?
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How do you play match point tennis?

Match point is played just like any other point in tennis, where the server must serve into the opposite service box on the receiver's side, but if the person with the match point wins the point, the match is over.

What fitness components must you have for tennis?

Speed, Endurance and Strength are important for tennis.

Can you play tie break on the last set?

If you mean tennis, yes you can as it is in the rules that no game( and therefore no set or match) can be won by a single point. There must always be a 2 point advantage to win a game

Does the ball have to hit the line to be an ace in tennis?

No. The interior lines (half-lines) on tennis courts determine the service court, into which the serve must be made. An ACE is any legal serve that is not successfully returned by the opponent, winning the point for the server.

What components of fitness must you have for tennis?

you must have agility, speed and power.

Can you return a ball in table tennis without it bouncing on your court first?

No you can not. The ball must hit each side of the table when playing. Otherwise, the point will go to the opponent.

How do you tennis?

I think your correct question would be: How do you play tennis. Tennis is a game where people hit a tennis ball back and forth over a net. The point starts with a serve, an overhead shot hit by the server, behind the baseline into the opposite service box. If the serve lands out, The server must serve again. If he gets this out, the point goes to the receiver. If he gets it in, the point starts, and both players try to hit the ball back into their opponents court, trying to get them to make a mistake. In the single's game, The doubles tram lines are out. The points go like this: 15-30-40-game. If it is 40-40, or deuce, one must win two points in a row to win. Each point, the server switches sides from right to left and back.

What must you wear to do tennis?

You only need shorts that can fit tennis balls in them (must be able to put two in), and either a polo shirt or an athletic shirt.

What is a let in the game of tennis?

A let is a call that allows a point to be played again. In tennis, a let can be called for multiple reasons. One reason for a let to be called is if a serve lands in the correct service box, but hits the net first. A let will be called and the server will serve again. Another reason for a let to be called is if something disrupts play or presents a hazard. An example of this would be a ball from another court rolling onto a tennis court while a point is being played. In this instance, the point would be stopped and replayed.

In what sport must you be careful not to serve faults?


What is area of tennis ground?

I am not sure but just call your local tennis place

What does the let call in tennis mean?

Should the ball on service strike the top of the net before falling in the correct service court, it is a "let" and is replayed. The server is allowed one miss, or "fault," either into the net or outside the opponent's service court. hope that helped xD