I am a college track and feild athlete, specializing in sprints and jumps. Each individual jumper should determine their stlye of jumping. The style will depend on the comfort of the jumper and how well he/she can execute the technique during practice.
there are two common techniques for arm use during triple jump:
1. Double-arm action: prefered for faster jumpers who can accumulate more speed as they approach the board. The reason for this is because the double arm motion will slow you down as you prepare to approach the board.
2. Single-arm action: suggested for a slower jumper who can not accumulate as much speed. It will transfer all of the jumpers speed into the first phase of the jump.
There are two broad schools of thought. There is the single arm shift and the double arm shift. The single arm shift uses the arms in the same way that they there are used in running (one forward and one back) while the double arm shift required that both arms are pulled back before take off and then thrown forward afterwards.
The single arm shift maintains speed into the take off while the double arm shift typically slows the athlete down but some athletes prefer the balance and power that they feel it gives them.
The jumper should also consider what arm action to use through the whole jump. Single, double, double is popular but requires a subtle change of arm movement at hop landing. Single, single is simple and straightforward. Double, double, double is effective but has the potential drawback of reducing take off speed.
you can usually get good spikes specifically for triple jump, look on google and find some spikes their, it should tell you if they are specific to triple jump.
That is the nickname for the triple jump.
They are one of the best at the triple jump
He did a triple jump kick flip!
Yes but not in the standing triple jump.
that is good.
The triple jump was in the first modern Olympics in 1896.
Just like the long jump, the triple jump requires that a competitor begin his or her jump from a designated line called "the board". This line is typically much farther back and the jumper performs three individual jumps in one constant movement. Did you know that if a jumper starts his/her jump before reaching the board, the jump will be measured FROM the board?
Jump three times
In 2010 the national triple jump champion of India was Amarjeet Singh.
There are two track and field events. The long jump, and the triple jump.
The triple jump move. You run, then jump three times. The third jump should be a high-front flip.