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Q: What should be used to measure the diameter of a tennis ball?
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What is the diameter of the tennis ball in cm?

The diameter of a standard tennis ball is approximately 6.7 cm.

What should be used to measure the diameter of a steel ball bearing as accurately as possible?

A vernier caliper should be used to measure the diameter of a steel ball.

How big is the biggest tennis ball?

There is no biggest tennis ball. the normal tennis ball has 6.7 cm as diameter.

What should you measure tennis ball in grams or kilograms?

Answer: Grams.

How do you calculate the volume of a tennis ball?

To a first approximation, a tennis ball is a sphere. The volume of a sphere is V = 4/3 π r3, where r is the radius of the sphere. So measure the diameter of the tennis ball, divide by 2 to get the radius, and then apply the formula above. You could also measure the volume of a tennis ball by measuring the volume of water that it displaces.

Diamter of a tennis ball?

a dimater of a tennis ball is god nose what

What is the diameter of a tennies ball?

The diameter of a standard tennis ball is approximately 6.7 cm.

Is a tennis or squash ball bigger?

The diameter of a tennis ball is 2.63 inches, or 6.7 centimers. A squash ball's diameter is between 39.5 and 40.5 millimeters.

What is the diamiter of a tennis ball?

According to the 2006 regulations, the International Tennis Foundation specifies that all regulation tennis balls should be between 2.575 inches 2.875 inches in diameter, depending on the type of ball.

How many times would you have to enlarge a cheek cell to make it the same diameter as a tennis ball?

A cheek cell has an average diameter of 60 micrometers. A tennis ball has a diameter of 6.7 centimeters. This means that the tennis ball is about 1120 times the size of the cheek cell.

Measurement of the ball in the table tennis?

The official rules of table tennis state that the ball must be spherical, with a diameter of 40mm.

What is the diameter of a tennis ball 3cm or 3dm?

3 dm