If you call a local Golf course that has a caddy program, they will sign you up for three to four days of caddy lessons where you will be taught how to caddy by the caddy master, or assistant golf pro. Then you'll take a test and depending on your score youll become an offical caddy.
Absolutely none at all. A lot of the caddies on the professional golf tours are either very low amateurs or professional golfers themselves. What you will need however, is a very good knowledge of the rules, be able to line your player up on shots, be able to read greens well, have good ettiquette. You will also need the stamina to carry a golf bag for about 6 rounds a week, and stand for hours on end watching your player hit balls on the practice range.
You would also need to be able to calculare yardages and map out each golf course that your player will be playing, so you can help him navigate it successfully.
There is no formal education offered for caddying, it is simply pure experience.
No there is no caddie needed. You do have the option but one is not required.
12 years
it all depends on what type of vet your planning on doing
6 plus college and any other schools after needed for that job!
Enough schooling so that you know how to read over your question once and realize that you misspelled "kind" and put "kid"
To become a caddie at Pebble Beach Resorts, you must submit an application either at the resort itself, or through their website. You must be extremely knowledgeable about the game of golf and be experienced.
A cook or chief is considered vocational education and only requires 6 months to a year of schooling, but you can become a cook or chief without any schooling as long as you can cook. College is not needed.
architecture Become a pharmacist. They are always needed and paid good. Schooling is tough but worth it.
It is not actually the schooling process that is necessary for the child; it is the learning process and the child acquiring needed skills. The schooling process as we know it is simply the avenue that was chosen to teach children those skills. The schooling process does become necessary in order to enter certain fields and professions.
There is no schooling. just a business license. but schooling may be helpful