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Enough schooling so that you know how to read over your question once and realize that you misspelled "kind" and put "kid"

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Q: What kid of schooling is needed to become a professional soccer coach?
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Related questions

What kind of schooling do you need to become a professional soccer player?

None at all.

How do you become a professional soccer player in India?

To become a soccer player in India you must do a lot of practice.Practice can led you to become a professional footballer.

What is Professional Soccer?

professional soccer is teams that have the best players in the country or maybe even the world. you can become a pro soccer player if a scout thinks you're the best at playing soccer.

What education is needed to be a professional soccer player?

Dedication. Sacrifice.

What is required to become a professional soccer player?


How old can you become a professional soccer player?


How do you become a professional soccer player without any soccer experience?

You'd don't :p

What can you do after retirment from professional soccer?

You can become a coach, a manager, or a scout.

What experience do you need to become a professional soccer player?

u need to have faith and life to have expired in soccer

What schooling do you need to become a soccer player?

You do not need to go to school for football. Pele was a shoe shine boy.

What schools do you go to become a professional soccer player?

In a academy of football

What education is needed to become a professional soccer player?

a high school diploma. college play pro soccer, it is better to have the highest education you can get, but if you don't have one, you can still play if your good enough and the team wants you to play for them.