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Q: What of table tennis has never been exactly pinpointed?
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How many years did the Parthenon hold table tennis?

The Parthenon is a historical site and has never had table tennis.

What is the height of table tennis?

exactly 3 feet short

What lesson did table tennis teaches us?

never draw back

What is the age restriction for a stroke counter in table tennis?

there are never any age restrictions in table tennis, usually once you are able to see above the table. that would be the perfect time to start

How is table tennis and tennis different?

table tennis is played on a 15x6 table and meany different rules to tennis

How many Indian Table tennis players participated in Seol Olympics?

there were exactly 42 indian players.

What is the proper name for the table you play table tennis on?

Err a table tennis table

What olympic sports start with K?

Trampoline Tennis Table-tennis

What is the height of a table tennis table in wheelchair table tennis?

That really depends on the height of the person's legs while in the chair. Most normal sized tables work

Do you say you are a ball of fire on table tennis or in table tennis?

I say i am a ball on fire in table tennis :d

Is table tennis and deck tennis they same?

No, table tennis is played on a small table, where as deck tennis is played on a deck. sorry mate fgjkfkgfpogk

Which sport is best basketball or table tennis?

Table tennis