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Q: What main muscle groups used in gymnastics?
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What are the main muscle groups used in football?

ur body genuis .. if u didnt have a body how could u play football .. u idoits !

This muscle makes breathing possible?

The main muscle used is the diaphragm. Also, the intercostal muscle.

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You are working multiple muscle groups with the kettlebell and thats why its excellent for hard training.

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What major muscle groups are used while competing in ice hockey?

quadraceps and gluteus maximus

What equipment was used for gymnastics in 1896?

What about gymnastics in 1919?

What is the most powerful skeletal muscle?

The diaphragm, it is the main muscle used for breathing.

Is jump rope gymnastics?

No, but it is used as a warm up and used for fitness training in gymnastics.

Who began gymnastics?

They first used gymnastics in army training.