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chemical energy from food turns into kinetic energy in the moving body of the runner.

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Q: What kind of energy does a marathon runner use?
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What do elites eat?

It depends on what type of athlete you are If you a sprinter the energy needed is just muscular power which derives from the energy system ATP-CP If you are a middle distance runner you will use Carbohydrates. If you are a long distance runner you will need Carbohydrates, Fats and if you are a Triathlon runner or an ultra-marathon runner you will use Protein. Carbohydrates are your Pasta's Fats are you Steaks that have fats within Proteins are some fruits and red meat

What do elite athletes eat?

It depends on what type of athlete you are If you a sprinter the energy needed is just muscular power which derives from the energy system ATP-CP If you are a middle distance runner you will use Carbohydrates. If you are a long distance runner you will need Carbohydrates, Fats and if you are a Triathlon runner or an ultra-marathon runner you will use Protein. Carbohydrates are your Pasta's Fats are you Steaks that have fats within Proteins are some fruits and red meat

How do use the word 'feebly' in a sentence?

He answered feebly. The last runner in the marathon arrived feebly.

What energy do you use for running a marathon kinetic or potential?

You primarily use kinetic energy while running a marathon. This is the energy of motion generated by your muscles as you move your body forward. Potential energy, which is stored energy, is not a significant factor in the continuous movement involved in running a marathon.

Why a sprinter can use mainly anaerobic respiration during the race while a marathon runner needs to use aerobic respiration?

so they can breath :)

How does evaporation help a runner to lose energy use ideas of molecules in the answer?

For the runner to cool

Do living things use energy for movement?

Are you a living thing? Yes.Do you run out of energy after running a marathon?Yes.Therefore, living things do use energy for movement.

Why does a surfer have different fitness components compared to a marathon runner?

Different activities require different skills and strengths and the use of different muscles etc.

Which activity would make the greatest use of protein as an energy source?

Running a marathon.

How do you use petered in a sentence?

When the water was turned off and the pressure dribbled down to a trickle, you could say that "it had petered out". When the exhausted marathon runner approached the finish line, his energy just sort of petered out. We closed the mine because the mother lode just petered out.