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Q: What is the value of a used Ping Karsten Mod II putter?
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What is the value of a used Ping Karsten-2 putter?

7 cents

What is a Dale Earnhardt Sr. ping putter worth?

I have 3 brand new ones in a box never used and wished I knew!

What club is used in the green?


What sport needs putter?

Golf needs a putter. It is a club used when close to the hole to tap the ball in.

What length was the putter that Jack Nicklaus used?


What are the most used golf clubs?

Putter, then driver, then wedges.

Which club is used most in playing 18 holes of golf?


What is the value of a golf putter owned and used by Jack Nicklaus?

It is worth a lot! If it is in good condition then it could be worth thousands. But before you sell it on eBay, go to a golf pro and ask them.

What is ping command and describe the usage of ping command?

The ping command is to check that an IP address is reachable. the ping command is used to know the active networks and ip address in the network. it also used to self check the address when there is connection trouble with other system. internet control message protocol is used by the ping.

What is the difference between a putter and driver?

A putter is a golf club that is used for very short length putts such as 10 feet or less and are on level or flat ground on the green near the hole. A driver is used for very long distances.

What is pinging in network?

`Ping'' is used for network debugging`ping' sends a single packet

What protocols is used by the Ping command to inquire whether an address is reachable on the Internet?
