If you mean value in terms of money, that will depend greatly on the condition (grip, shaft, blade, etc).
1959 is the answer. I quote from the Ping.com WEB-Site (Karsten Solheim invents the PING putter in his Redwood City, California garage. he names his putter "PING" because of the sound it makes upon contact with a golf ball. Two years later, he moves his family to Phoenix and continues his quest to improve golf club design.) Putters from PING don't "Ping" anymore. There are still 1A putters for sale. The new ones are not made of copper as was the original.
Ping never stopped making the 1A model. You can still order them today from any authorized Ping dealer.
12 + 1a - 1a + 1 = 1 + 0 + 1 = 2
(x + 4) + (x + 5) = 2x + 9
1a + 1b because they are different terms and could not be added together. But 1a × 1b would be 1
1a = 1(52)= 52
since a=1a, 3a-1a=2a
Uncanny X-Force (2010 Marvel) #1A in NM condition is selling for $23.50 .
1a+3b 2a+4b=3a +7b