The term for three strikes in a row is called a three bager.for fun bowling a turkey.
2nd strike in the game it doesn't have to be in a row
Bowling alley.
One term used is 'getaway day'.
An Oboe player. I don't believe there is another term for it
Yes. A Skittle, is another term for a bowling pin.
Lawn Bowling is different from the US term "bowling." In lawn bowling, players stand on a green and roll palm sized balls towards a jack or kitty rather than down a lane towards pins such as in tenpin bowling. See related links below.
Lawn Bowling
In Bowling the term used when knock down all the pins is "Strike".
I believe what your referring to is "Scotch Doubles" which is a system of doubles play where the two bowlers alternate shots throughout the game. The only time one of the pair ever completes a frame on his/her own is when scoring a strike.
Roflcoper was coined by a Blizzard moderator in WarCraft II. It was in a forum for the video game. It is supposed to be a funny term coined by the person.
Baseball and bowling.