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You should stand with your feet parallel to the target about shoulders width apart with the ball in the middle of your stance (for an iron or wedge) for a driver you should widen your stance and have the ball closer to your left foot (if you are right handed).

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13y ago

A round, white ball known as a "Golf ball"

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15y ago

A golf ball.

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12y ago

Its just called a Rugby ball.

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Q: What is the proper way to address a golf ball?
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A lie is the way a ball in play is resting.

Which is larger golf ball or ping pong ball?

There isn't a huge difference, but a Golf ball would be marginally bigger. Golf ball sized and ping pong size are mostly used to measure hail sizes. A golf ball is bigger but not by much. Inches. 1 1/2 Ping Pong Ball Size 1 3/4 Golf Ball Size

Can you buy a golf ball that melts once it lands in water?

No golf balls do not melt in water that way.

Would a frozen golf ball have less rebound than a boiled golf ball?

Yes, a frozen golf ball would likely have less rebound than a boiled golf ball. When a golf ball is frozen, the materials inside become more rigid, leading to reduced elasticity and lower rebound ability. Conversely, boiling a golf ball may alter its internal properties in a way that enhances rebound.

Why does a golf ball's trajectory path sometimes curve when hit by a golf club?

The club may strike the ball in such a way as to induce it to spin. This affects the aerodynamics of the ball, and can cause its path to curve.

What is the size of 13 millimeters compared to a golf ball?

The standard diameter of a golf ball is supposed to be not less than 42.67 millimeters. So 13 millimeters is a tiny bit less than 1/3 of the way through a golf ball.

What does it mean by swinging your golf club to hit the golf ball?

Have you seen a golf swing? The idea is to hit the ball with the swing, that is the only way to play the game.

What is the proper way to address the conductor of a symphony orchestra?

The proper way to address the conductor of a symphony orchestra is 'Maestro.'

How is it possible to hit a golf ball on the moon?

It works the same way it does on Earth. The momentum of the club is transferred to the golf ball and it travels. And it isn't slowed down by the friction of air.

What is a golf ball marker?

Usually a thin coin shaped object which is placed just behind the golf ball when you are on the green so you can remove your ball, and get out of another players way. Some have initials and some have pictures on them.