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Q: What is the penalty for teeing off in the wrong area in golf stableford?
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What is the penalty for teeing off in the wrong area in matchplay golf?

If you play from the wrong teeing area, in strokeplay, there is a two shot penalty, but you must correct your mistake before playing a stroke from the next teeing ground. All strokes taken up to this point don't count, so it is essentially 3 off the tee. If you fail to correct your mistake you are disqualified. It is very different however in matchplay, if a stroke is taken from the wrong teeing ground, your opponent may simply ask you to cancel that stroke and replay the shot from the correct tee. These rules apply for teeing from outside the teeing ground also.

Can you tee up from a marker that is further away without penalty like a lady chooses to hit one time from the senior men's tee?

If you are in general play i.e not a competition you can do this. But, if you are in a competition there would the lady would receive a two shot penalty for teeing off from outside the teeing area. She would be disqualified if she teed off on the next hole without correcting her mistake. (That is, tee off from the proper tee, it will be her third shot)

Where can a golf tee be used?

No, you can only use a tee for a tee shot, which is a shot which is taken from the designated teeing area. The teeing area is defined by the two tee markers. You can not use a tee anywhere but the teeing area. If you do you are deemed to have improved your lie, which carries a two shot penalty.

How wide is the penalty area?

The penalty area is 44 yards wide.

What is the half circle in fronk of the penelty area for?

All players, except the penalty taker must be at least 10 yards away from the penalty spot when the penalty is taken. As the Penalty Area extends 18 yards from the goal line, and the Penalty Spot is 12 yards from the goal line, the distance from the Penalty Spot to the edge of the Penalty Area can be as little as 6 Yards. The Arc - not half circle - marks the area outside the Penalty Area, that is within 10 yards of the Penalty Spot, and therefore outside which players must be when the penalty is taken

Can a goalkeeper inside the penalty area use his hand to touch a ball outside the penalty area?

No. It doesn't matter where the goalkeeper is.The ballmust be in the penalty area (on the line is inside) for the keeper to touch it.

How many square meters is a football penalty area?

Goal width = 16.5 m Distance from goalpost to each edge = 16.5 m Width of penalty area = 3 * 16.5 = 49.5 m Depth of penalty area = 16.5 m Area of penalty area = 49.5 * 16.5 = 816.75 m2

When do you go to the drop zone in golf?

In golf, the drop zone is usually indicated on par 3 holes where there is a water hazard, or some other hazard between the tee and the green. You may elect to play from that drop zone, or you may re-tee and play from the teeing area. One shot penalty is incurred in either case.

When players a and b hit off between two tee markers how many club lengths can they go back from the markers?

Two.From the Rules of Golf, Section II, Definitions.The "teeing ground" is the starting place for the hole to be played. It is a rectangular area two club-lengths in depth, the front and the sides of which are defined by the outside limits of two tee-markers. A ball is outside the teeing ground when all of it lies outside the teeing ground.

What is the penalty arc in soccer?

It is an arc that is drawn outside of the penalty area with a radius of ten yards and the center being the penalty mark. (Note: the mark is only 6 yards from the edge of the penalty area area) Whenever a penalty kick is taken all players, except the kicker and the goal keeper, must be outside of the penalty area, at least ten yards from the mark, and not closer to the goal line than the mark. Other than the taking of penalty kicks, it has no other function.

What is a direct kick against the defense in the goal area called?

If a foul is committed inside the goal area then it is also inside the penalty area. Any foul normally punishable by a direct free kick that is committed inside the penalty area by the defense is changed to a penalty kick.

Is a penalty kick given if a foul is committed in the penalty arc?

Foul refers to direct free kick offences. Any defender committing a foul against an attacker in the area results in a penalty kick. But, an attacker committing a foul against a defender would result in a direct free kick.