Here is 4 top sports in USA
But Now a days
MMA become more popular game in USA. Here you found all kind of sports informatin :
Baseball and Basketball are sports that are played in America a lot.
The relative popularity of sports is often measured in terms of how many people watch the game and/ or are fans of it and of course, how many Americans play the various sports. (See the Related Question to the right for relative popularity of pro sports.)
Through most of the 20th century, the big four have been considered baseball, football, basketball, and hockey. They were usually in that order, but there are many regional and local differences across the US.
There are football schools, basketball states, hockey towns, etc. Baseball was called the national pastime. Soccer has become increasingly popular in the US. It is, by far, the most popular sport played (and watched) around the world. For Americans in the 1980s and 1990s it was considered something young kids played. But more and more older children and adults are playing the game. Golf, Bowling and tennis are very popular.
Here are more Additional opinions
* Bowling is the most popular participation "game" sport in the United States with more than 43 million people going bowling at least once a year.
* basketball is the most played sport.
* It seems that every youngster played Little League baseball as a child, so I'm thinking baseball is the most played sport.
* Either basketball or soccer, if I had to go with one I would have to say soccer. * Soccer.
* Basketball
On a side note:
One of the biggest movers starting in 2005 was Ki-o-Rahi. This sport originates from New Zealand. It is a fast and exciting full contact ball sport which is played on a large circular pitch. Recently our National Curriculum Directors introduced it into over 30,000 schools. It is like no other sport in the world for its mental and physical requirements. It requires great co-ordination, physical conditioning and quick intelligence.
No, but it is the most played sport (or popular) in the world.
Baseball used to be the favorite sport played and watched in the US but now football is the most-watched sport, while BASKETBALL reigns supreme in terms of MOST PLAYED.
The most sport played is baseball, basketball, cheerleader's, football.
In the US it was baseball.
The second most popular sport would be baseball. Although it is second for most popular SEEN, it is first for the most PLAYED sport.
basketball and football
Soccer is Chiles most played sport, but tennis is Chiles second most played sport
No, the most played sport as well as the most popular sport in India is Cricket.
EVENTING is the most played sport in australia.
The most played sport in the US is basketball, without a doubt. Basketball is the most played sport, though. Kids play basketball as the main sport in elementary school and in middle school, as well as high school. In certain areas of the country, some sports might be played more than others. For the entire United States basketball remains number one as the most played sports.