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I think you might be talking about a backwards roll which is basically a roll from crouching where you lean backwards onto your shoulder and your arms are straightened, and you end up standing.

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13y ago
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9y ago

A backward roll is a movement in gymnastics in which a person's body is rolled backwards by crouching on the ground and lifting one's legs complete over one's head and lifting the head at the end.

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13y ago

its another name for a somersault and a reverse somersault

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What are forward rolls in gymnastics?

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Why do they call it gymnastics?

It comes from the Latin word, "gymnos" meaning nude. They used to do gymnastics naked now they don't and good thing!

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Gymnastics has been around for centuries. Gymnastics comes from the word Gymnos, meaning naked in Greek. Which is were and how gymnastics started, with all men being naked in the Greek Olympic games. Ancient Greece is where gymnastics origionated but has become more modernized in China, America, Russia and the Ukraine.

Is the true meaning of the word gymnastics naked body?

Not Sure probably YES!!!!!

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Well, that is really just grace and showing what you can do!

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Is there an 5 letter word meaning standard position for doing exercises gymnastics?

Usual or basic