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Q: Is the true meaning of the word gymnastics naked body?
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Where did gymnastics get its name from?

Gymnastics acually means "exercising naked" I know it sounds crazy but it's true. Back then gymnasts performed naked. And girls did not do gymnastics. In fact they weren't allowed in the arena. Eventually gymnastics changed and girls were allowed to do gymnastics in 1928. Now men did not want them to perform naked so they used leotards. Then they made things for boys to wear. Resource book: Going for the Gold by Leigh Olsen.

Is it true with a colon cleanse worms or parasites come out?

not visible to the naked eye but yeah... that's how to human body is designed

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Solid Wastes coming out of your body

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Dermis is true skin, or a layer of body tissue.

Is it true gymnastics makes your muscles smaller?

Yes because I did gymnastics and now my muscles can't handle 60 lbs

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True or false you can see planet Jupiter with the naked eye?

True. Jupiter is typically one of the brightest objects in the night sky and can be easily seen with the naked eye, appearing as a bright point of light.

Will being tall make gymnastics hard for you?

Most say that being taller can affect your skills with gymnastics. This is only half true. Most men are taller than women, and they compete in the Olympics. Every body is different, and each (being tall and small) has its advantages. If you want to try competitive gymnastics, sometimes being tall will make it tough. Sometimes you may be moved up a division due to your height. If you are doing recreational gymnastics, it will not affect you much at all.

Do the Naked Brothers Band hate the Jonas brothers?

Yes that is true. Nick Jonas sett a rumors about the Naked brother band.