Badminton is named for the country estate of the Duke of Beaufort, where the game was first played in England in 1873.
It was named after Badminton House owed by Duke Where this game was played.
The sport/game of badminton was derived from the game of poona. British soldiers played the game while in India. After going home they described the game to their friends and family. The Duke of Beaufort enjoyed playing the game on his estate, which was called Badminton. It became popular among the British elite and was named 'The Badminton Game'.
poona change into badminton....badminton was started in India during that time they called it POONA..british soldiers played the game while in India. after going home they described the game to their friends and family. the duke of beaufort enjoyed playing the game on his state which was called became popular among the british state and was named "THE BADMINYON GAME"
badminton was played as early as the 16th century by the Chinese. but it was in England where they made the first set of official rules in 1873. -Chow Badminton began in the 19th century (1870) and was named by the Duke of Beaufort after Badminton House in Gloucestershire. The has technically existed for almost 2,000 years ago starting in Greece, but England was the first country to give the game the title of Badminton. The name comes from the Duke of Gloucestershire in the 1850's who's residence was Badminton House. A pamphlet entitled "Badminton Battledore - a new game" was published in 1860, and this was the first time the name badminton was used to describe the game.
badminton was played as early as the 16th century by the Chinese. but it was in England where they made the first set of official rules in 1873. -Chow Badminton began in the 19th century (1870) and was named by the Duke of Beaufort after Badminton House in Gloucestershire. The has technically existed for almost 2,000 years ago starting in Greece, but England was the first country to give the game the title of Badminton.
A badminton game is scored by hitting the birdie to the other side of the net.
a 19th century Scotsman named George McCaber. Who came up with the name while playing chess with his friend his original name was Badminton caravan witch means game with stick it was later shortened to badminton in 1867 by George.
Badminton took its name from the Gloucestershire seat of the dukes of Beaufort, (England) where it is believed to have evolved in the 1870s from the older game of shuttlecock. The original name of Badminton was Ha Ha
name the awards associated with badminton
Hit the birdie.
badminton manner where the lord came back from India where they played another version of the game
there are 4 different officials in badminton