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In Lacrosse you use a stick, consisting of two parts, the head and the shaft. You also wear protective equipment such as a Helmet, Shoulder Pads, Arm Pads, Gloves, and sometimes rib pads. Rib Pads are not required.

In mens there is generally the shoulder pads, arm pads, gloves, the cup, the helmet, and the stick which is either the short stick or the defensive pole.

In womens the equipment is basically a stick the length of a mens short stick, optional gloves, and goggles.

Both have to wear mouthguards because no one wants to lose teeth, or get a concussion. Both have goalies that wear chest pads and helmets with thigh pads. The shin guards are preferred but are mainly up to the goalie or the coach as well as any other pads.

I'm not sure about mens lacrosse but for womens all you need is an approved stick, mouthguard, and eye protection goggles.

Men use helmets, gloves, elbow/arm guards/protectors, chest pads, a stick (made up of the shaft and head), a cup, and optionaly rib guards (very useful for midis and attack because you get slap and poke checked a lot).

Men's and women's lacrosse require different equipment, since the rules for the sport are different.

Men's lacrosse equipment:

  • Lacrosse cleats or an athletic tennis shoe
  • An athletic supporter and athletic cup
  • Chest and shoulder pads (optional)
  • Arm guards (optional)
  • Helmet with full face mask
  • Lacrosse stick with head
  • Lacrosse ball
  • Mouthguard

Women's lacrosse equipment:

  • Lacrosse cleats or an athletic tennis shoe
  • Lacrosse goggles
  • Lacrosse stick with head
  • Lacrosse ball
  • Mouthguard

For Men's Lacrosse:

You need lacrosse gloves , arm guards, helmet, shoulder pads, and a lacrosse stick

For Women's Lacrosse:

You need a lacrosse stick, goggles, a mouth guard. Gloves and cleats are optional

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8y ago
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15y ago

Men's and women's lacrosse require different equipment, since the rules for the sport are different. Men's lacrosse equipment: * Lacrosse cleats or an athletic tennis shoe * An athletic supporter and athletic cup * Chest and shoulder pads * Arm guards * Helmet with full face mask * Lacrosse stick with head * Lacrosse ball * Mouthguard Women's lacrosse equipment: * Lacrosse cleats or an athletic tennis shoe * Lacrosse goggles * Lacrosse stick with head * Lacrosse ball * Mouthguard

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15y ago

Differs for male and female games.

Generally, males:
Mouth Piece
Neck Protector(Goalie)
Shoulder Pads
Elbow Pads
Rib Protectors(Optional, mainly for midfielders/attackmen)
Lacrosse Stick
Lacrosse Ball

Mouth Piece
Lacrosse Stick
Lacrosse Ball

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14y ago

Ok, you clearly have never played lacrosse before. That's ok! But first off, don't call it a "racket". Those are used in tennis; a not nearly exciting a game as lacrosse. It's called a stick, and they are used to throw, catch, pass, shoot, check, and play defense with. They are pretty much the only thing needed in the game. They have a long metal shaft and a plastic head with strings strung through, like a net.

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13y ago

1. Lacrosse stick (stick with a net on the end)

2. A lacrosse ball (like a hockey ball)

3. A lacrosse goal (small and shaped)

4. Safety gear for the goal keeper

5. Mouth-guards for the players

6. Football boots for the players

7. Sports gear for the players

8. Bibs for the players

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11y ago

In order to play competitive lacrosse, one needs a lot of gear to protect oneself. A helmet with face mask, mouthpiece, shoulder pads, and cup (if male) are the minimum requirements. This, of course, is in addition to a lacrosse stick and ball.

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10y ago

You will need elbow pads, gloves, shoulder pads, a helmet, a mouthguard, a stick, gloves and cleets

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16y ago

For boys lacrosse you need a helmet, a stick, shoulder pads, elbow pads, lacrosse gloves, sneakers and a mouthguard.

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13y ago

boys: gloves, arm pads, chest protector, helmet, mouth piece, and cup.

girl, mouth piece, eye cage, and gloves if wanted.

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Is mens lacrosse same as boys lacrosse?

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What equipment is needed for boys high school lacrosse?

Stick Helmet Shoulder Pads Gloves Arm pads Athletic cup Mouthpiece Cleats

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Lacrosse shafts used to be made out of wood, but are now made out of many materials

What is the average price for all mens lacrosse equipment?

$150 more for better equipment

Is flow society a good lacrosse company?

I think it is a good lacrosse company for clothing not for buying equipment. I think the best lacrosse company would probably be STX.

How can one acquire a lacrosse monkey?

Lacrosse Monkey is a website and store that specializes in Lacrosse equipment. To acquire some of their products you can go to their official website or a store nearest you.

Why is lacrosse not an olympic sport?

Because lacrosse is only played in America, not many countries are able to pay for all the equipment.

What is needed to start a lacrosse?

To start lacrosse, you need several pieces of equipment. Its different depending on whether your a boy or girl.BOYS: Need a stick, cleats/tennis shoes, helmet, padding, and a mouth guard.GIRLS: Need a stick, cleats/tennis shoes, goggles, and a mouth guard.

What is Stickstar Lacrosse?

Stickstar Lacrosse is an organization located in Texas offering private instruction, select teams, apparel and equipment, and recruiting and consulting.

What equipment was used to play original lacrosse?

they had gloves helmets and wooden sticks

What type of equipment do you need for Lacrosse?

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