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There are 4 pins in the back row, 7,8,9 and 10.

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Q: What is the bowling pin in the back row called?
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Related questions

How many Skittles on back row in ten pin bowling?

In ten pin bowling, there are four pins on the back row.

What is the front pin in bowling starting with king?

The one closest to you is the head pin, or 1 pin. The rest of the pins are numbered from left to right on each row: the second row has the 2 and 3, third has 4, 5 and 6, and the fourth row has 7, 8, 9 and 10.

In ten pin bowling how many pins are in the back row?

then 3 in next row 2 in the next and 1 in frontEdit: assuming you are referring to the 10-pin bowling, there are four in the back row, not five, as was previously answered by someone else.Considering the 5 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 11, it is fairly clear that the pins are not set up in that war.

What is 8 consecutive strikes in a row called in ten pin bowling?

An eight-bagger.

In ten pin bowling how many pins at the back?

There are four pins along the back of the ten pin setup. In front of those four is a row of three, followed by two, then one (which is called the "head" pin). 4+3+2+1=10.

What does the term mother-in-law in bowling mean?

The name for a pin standing directly behind another pin, making it hard to see, e.g. 8 behind 2, 5 behind 1 or 9 behind 3. 

Why is a turkey so called in ten-pin bowling?

The name turkey in ten-pin bowling started in the nineteenth century when the owner of the bowling alley would give a live turkey to a bowler making three strikes in a row during the days just before Thanksgiving and Christmas.

How do you score 300 in ten pin bowling?

Get 12 strikes in a row during a single game.

Perfect game in 10 pin bowling?

A perfect game is 300. This represents 12 strikes in a row.

What is 4 consecutive stikes in a row called in bowling?

You are a god.

Why is 4 strikes in a row called a hambone in bowling?


What is three consecutive strikes in the game of bowling called?

The term for three strikes in a row is called a three bager.for fun bowling a turkey.