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Q: What is 12 strikes in row called?
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What is five consecutive strikes in bowling called?

It is now called Yahtzee!5 consecutive strikes in bowling is called a 5-bagger.There are no special names for strikes other than hambone/double for two consecutive strikes, turkey for three consecutive strikes, and clover for four consecutive strikes. Anything after that is call a "x bagger." X = the number of consecutive strikes thrown. For example. If you threw seven strikes in a row, it would called a seven bagger.5 baggerIn bowling if a person were to get 3 strikes in a row, at anytime in a game, that's called a " Turkey ". 5 strikes in row is called a " Goose " , 10 in a row is a "swan" and ,12 in row is of course a " perfect game ".

Why is 4 strikes in a row called a hambone in bowling?


What is a 300 in bowling?

A 300 in bowling is a perfect game, with 12 strikes in a row.

What is the maximum points you can get in bowling?

300 - To do that, you need to roll 12 strikes in a row.

What is three consecutive strikes in the game of bowling called?

The term for three strikes in a row is called a three bager.for fun bowling a turkey.

What is the definition of triple in terms of bowling?

Three strikes in a row is called a turkey.

How many strikes does it take to get a perfect score of 300?

12 strikes one for each of the 10 frames and then 2 more strikes to complete the last frame 3 ball minimum 12 strikes

How do you score 300 in ten pin bowling?

Get 12 strikes in a row during a single game.

In bowling what is it called when you make three strikes in a row?

That would be called a Turkey.

What is 8 consecutive strikes in a row called in ten pin bowling?

An eight-bagger.

What do you call the 16-pound that got the third strike?

Three strikes in a row is called a "turkey".

What is 8 strikes in a row called in bowling?

Five Strikes in a row in Bowling is a Brot. Coming from the term of the number of Brots that come in a package. Six Strikes in a row in Bowling is a Six Pack Seven Strikes in a row in Bowling is a T-Bone Eight is a Sir Loin Nine is a prime rib Ten Is a Double Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner.