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That area is called the 'pocket'. For a left handed bowler that curves the ball from the left side, the pocket is between the #s 1 and 2 pins. For a right handed bowler that curves the ball from the right side, the pocket is between the #s 1 and 3 pins. For a bowler of either hand that rolls the ball straight, either the 1/2 or the 1/3 pockets will do good.

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Q: What is the area you want to hit to get a strike?
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If a pitcher throws the ball to the batter and he doesn't hit it?

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"Struck" is the past tense of "strike" and is often used in a more formal or intentional context, while "hit" is a more common and versatile verb that is used to describe making contact with something forcefully or unexpectedly. Both words can be used interchangeably in some contexts, but "hit" is generally more colloquial.

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In Irish it's: buail (to hit) / stailc (a labour strike)

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For the pitcher's ball/strike pitch numbers, it is counted as a strike.

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Strike when you hit someone with a piece of something is "ta"; struck when you hit someone with a vehicle is "so'a" or "taia"; strike/struck/punch with a fist is "tu'i" or "moto"; strike/struck with feelings is "o'otia"; strike dead is "tu'ipe".

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In fencing, "hit" refers to successfully making contact with your opponent's target area using your weapon. So, "hit in the fencing" means landing a clean strike on your opponent during a fencing match.

Does clout mean hit?

Yes. 'To clout' means to hit, or strike.

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If the batter was swinging it is a strike...if the batter was not swinging, then they are deemed to have been "hit by pitch" and are awarded first base.