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Q: What is score in time frame?
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How many goals can you score in water polo?

you can score as many goals you can within the time-frame of the game

What do you call a twenty year time frame?

20 years=1 score

What is the lowest bowling score you can get with six strikes?

The absolute lowest score would be 60. First frame - Strike Second frame - Two Gutter Balls Third frame - Strike Fourth frame - Two Gutter Balls Fifth frame - Strike Sixth frame - Two Gutter Balls Seventh frame - Two Gutter Balls Eighth frame - Two Gutter Balls Ninth frame - Two Gutter Balls Tenth frame - 3 Strikes (Total points here = 30)

Is a score of 242 possible in a game of ten pin bowling?

Yes. The maximum score in tenpin bowling is 300. One way to bowl a 242: 1st frame - strike 2nd frame - strike 3rd frame - seven on the first ball and a spare on the second ball 4th frame - strike 5th frame - strike 6th frame - seven on the first ball and a spare on the second ball 7th frame - strike 8th frame - strike 9th frame - strike 10th frame - strike on the first ball, eight on the second ball, spare on the third ball X----X----7/----X----X----7/-----X-----X-----X-----X8/ 27...47...67....94..114..134...164..194..222...242

How do you score 3 strikes rolled in the tenth frame?

30 points added to the 9th frame scoreIf you made a spare in the 9th frame the first ball thrown in the 10th frame would be added to the 9th frame. If you threw a strike in the 9th frame the first two balls trown in the 10th would be added to the 9th. If you threw a strike in both the 8th and 9th frames, the first ball in the 10th would be added to the 8th frame as well. Three Strike in the 10th frame is 30 points added to the 9th frame score.

The time frame of the renaissance?

The time frame is from about the end of the 1450-1600

In bowling What is the score when you spare in the first frame and then roll 11 strikes in a row?

If you get a spare in the tenth frame, the extra shot you get is sometimes called the eleventh frame. If your first shot in the tenth frame is a strike, your next shot is sometimes refereed to as the eleventh frame and your final shot is sometimes called the twelfth frame.

What are frame by frame and real time animations?

It is mainly speed. Real time = 60 Frames Per second Frame by Frame, means animation at a slower rate.

What is the time frame for Charlie Bone?

The time frame for Charlie Bone is from 2002-2004

You bowled 10 strikes in first 10 frames Second ball of 10th frame was 9 the 3rd ball was o why was my score 288 instead of 289?

288 is correctA strike is scored 10 pins plus the total of the next to balls thrown. Your 8th frame score is 240 after you threw the 10th strike. The ninth frame strike adds 10 to 240 plus the next two balls thrown in the 10th (X-9) brings the 9th frame total to 269. Close the 10th frame with 19 (X-9-0) your final score is 288

How do you change the time and date on zte score?

how to set the time on a zte score by cricket

How many hard credit checks are considered detrimental to my credit score?

Having too many hard credit checks can negatively impact your credit score. Generally, one or two hard credit checks within a short period are considered acceptable, but having multiple hard credit checks in a short time frame can lower your score.